A p-adic analogue of a formula by Gross and ZagierMPIM

by Michael Alexander Daas (MPIM)

MPIM, Vivatsgasse, 7 - Lecture Hall (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)

MPIM, Vivatsgasse, 7 - Lecture Hall

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics


In their 1984 paper “On singular moduli”, Gross and Zagier proved an explicit factorisation formula for the norm of the difference between two CM-values of the classical j-function. In 2022, it was conjectured by Giampietro and Darmon that the CM-values of certain p-adic theta-functions on Shimura curves should obey similar factorisation patterns. In this talk, we explore the classical result about the j-function, discuss its proofs and outline how the study of infinitesimal deformations of p-adic Hilbert Eisenstein series was used to settle the conjectures about the theta-function. This p-adic analytic approach bears resemblance to some of the newly developed methods in modern RM-theory.