Bonn Math Events

Felix Klein Lectures (3/6)

by Prof. André Neves (University of Chicago)

Lecture Hall (HIM)

Lecture Hall


Poppelsdorfer Alee 45

Felix Klein Lectures


March 31 - April 11, 2025

Venue: HIM lecture hall, Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, Bonn

(The first lecture will take place in the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.)

Lecturer: André Neves (University of Chicago)

Title: “Recent Progress on the theory of minimal surfaces”

1st Lecture: Overview of recent developments in the existence theory of minimal surfaces
2nd Lecture: Codimension one Zoll metrics I 
3rd Lecture:  Codimension one Zoll metrics II
4th Lecture: Codimension one Zoll metrics III
5th Lecture: Intersecting geodesics and minimal surfaces in negatively curved 3-manifols 
6th Lecture: Mostow Rigidity in dimension 3

Trimester Program guests, who were invited and have confirmed to be at HIM during the period of this workshop, are eligible to attend this event. Beyond this, researchers from the HCM, in particular, early-career researchers, are welcome upon request.


In case of questions concerning services and administration, please contact Emma Seggewiss or Kanami Ueda ( or

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Emma Seggewiss and Kanami Ueda