Trimester Program guests, who were invited and have confirmed to be at HIM during the period of this workshop, are eligible to attend this event. Beyond this, researchers from the HCM, in particular, early-career researchers, are welcome upon request.
Everyone will be notified in due time about whether participation and partial financial support is possible. After being selected as participant, you will be invited to register.
Lecture series by:
Sylvy Anscombe (Université Paris Cité)
Franziska Jahnke (Münster)
Bjorn Poonen (MIT)
Ted Slaman (UC Berkeley)
Description: Definability has a far-reaching impact in mathematics, far beyond model theory. In this workshop, experts not only from definability, but in other areas of mathematics (number theory, computability theory, arithmetic geometry, etc.) will give an expository overview of the impact of definability in their fields, as well as the state of the current research in their fields. These talks are accessible to graduate students and experts from other fields, to facilitate the discussions that will follow during the trimester.