May 12 - 16, 2025 HIM/HSM Special Topic School
Europe/Berlin timezone

Please note: Application is mandatory, except for junior scientists who have already been invited to participate in the Trimester Program.

Everyone will be notified in due time about whether participation and partial financial support is possible. After being selected as participant, you will be invited to register.

Lecture series by:

  • Morris Ang (University of California San Diego)
  • Malin Palö Forsström (Chalmers University of Technology)
  • Christophe Garban (University of Lyon)
  • Antti Kupiainen (University of Helsinki)


Quantum field theories (QFTs) have been successfully applied to model and analyze diverse physical phenomena; in particular, critical behavior in statistical mechanics, and interactions of fundamental particles.
However, a rigorous mathematical framework to construct and understand these theories is still limited.

In the past two decades, making sense of Conformal Field Theory (CFT) from a probabilistic perspective has become a question of considerable interest, and significant breakthroughs have been made; for example, in contructing the Liouville CFT, and CFT quantities from critical lattice models.
Other important models of QFTs, that have attracted considerable attention in recent years, are gauge theories, which form the basis for the standard model, for which an important approach goes through lattice approximations.

Also, the macroscopic features of many critical lattice models are believed to be described by CFTs.
Interfaces in these models have been shown to be described by the Schramm–Loewner Evolution (SLE) random curves.
Another central theme in this area, motivated by the aim of describing large-scale behavior
of random planar map models, is that of so-called Liouville quantum gravity (LQG).
The relationship of SLE and LQG has been recently discovered to be rather intimate.

This Summer School explores these exciting areas of research at the intersection of probability theory and mathematical physics.

Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, 1. EG, Lecture room
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The University of Bonn and HIM/HSM are committed to diversity and equal opportunity. We aim to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and to facilitate their careers. We therefore strongly encourage women with relevant qualifications to apply.

To encourage the participation of young researchers facing increased financial burden, such as researchers from developing countries, a small number of funded places are available. Please indicate in your application for which type of financial support you would like to be considered.